Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prince x Prince - Stellan - 9th Event

Choice 1. It can't be helped ----Choose this will make Kurt not ended with anyone. 2. I'll follow Stellan Kurt : It's of course, I'll follow Stellan. Even I understand this is indeed not answer of the prince. However, even the prince is human. Stellan : Prince, do you understand the meaning of your answer? Kurt : I understand. That's mean I must go out from this castle, and it will be impossible to meet with father and all other. I have understand. But, because I can't imagine if there is no Stellan Stellan : Still, is it good? Kurt : Yes. Because I believe Stellan... Stellan : Prince... I said so, and Stellan has become silent. I also became silent. The Stellan : So I think that thought as a very important thing. I must become the man for the prince to answer that determination. However, Stellan contrarily said my such expectation of such a thing with a smile radiantly . Kurt : Eh? Stellan : I am sorry. I have tested prince's heart Kurt : My heart? He watches with happy face. Stellan : I will surely protect the prince no matter what lies ahead. When Stellan had come to my place for the first time, a similar thing was said many times. However, it was embarrassed when said to face to face after all. Kurt : That thing, I already know Therefore, I said jokingly. Stellan : That's right However, there is the weight of the determination and me at this time did not know the difference at all. At the beginning, a new year has become a new year if there are a lot of events, and I ...