hey :) Nick: *jumps infront of selena and pushes her to the side* Man in the truck: WHAT THE HELL ARE U DOING!!! *turns the weel to the left to avoid hitting them, but it's impossible* Sel: *falls down, and sees that nick is about to get hit* NIICKK WATCH OUT!! Nick: * sees the truck coming and screams* I LOVE YOU SELENAA Sel: *with tears* NIICK.. NOO!! Nick: I'M SORRY.. I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER Sel: *crys harder* I'LL LOVE U TOO .. Nick: *closes his eyes* Sel: *lays there unable to do anything, and watches the biggest love of her life face death* Man in the truck: WATCH OUUUUUTTTT!!! ** There was a crash ** Sel: NOOOOOOOOO *crys harder* niiick... noooooo..... Miley: *runs down and sees the crash* NIIICKKK NOOOO!!!! Sel: *lays her head on the grownd incontinence* Miley: *calls an ambulance* Sel: *lets out a small tear, and closes her eyes waiting for all this to end...* ** At the hospital ** Sel: *opens her eyes unaware of where she is, and what happened* whe- Nurse1: * interrupts her* shhh.. u're at the hospital.. u were involved in a crash. Sel; was i speeding? Nurse1: no u weren't driving. U were standing in the middle of the street, when a truck was coming. Sel: *remembers* NICK! where's nick?!?! Nurse1: *takes a big breath* nick is- Sel: ohh noo please don't tell me.. Nurse1: we've done all we can.. he's in a comma.. unless he wakes up, there's nothing we can do.. i'm sorry. Sel: no no noo.. it can't be... nooo *cries* it's my fault! Nurse1: *comforting her* no no ...