edit: I decided I'll put the story in here, cuz the vid is a LITTLE confusing if you don't pay attention to little but important details! =D Okay, so Katara is practicing a waterbending technique(she's not a master in this story, and knows about bloodbending, but she is very unsure about it and doesn't know exactly how to do it) and Jim sees her. He teases her about it, and in a bored tone tells her, guess what? He's bored. So they keep talking, until Scroop(the ugly red bug lobster thing) comes in and decides he wants to pick on Jim because, guess what? He's not a bender or an alien, just human. He's normal. What's wrong with that? Scroop must think somethings wrong with it. So Jim pulls some sarcastic remarks as this and Scroops about to kill him(wow, overreacting, much?) but Katara gets worried and kicks Scroop's ass and saves him.(that's the part where she looks angry and waterbends and then Jim falls to the ground) Then, that night, there's a big storm. Katara can't do anything about it(she wasn't assigned a job) and stands back and watches Jim do all the hard work. He's about to fall off the ship(when Katara looks worried) but pulls himself back up. After the storm(I know, they're in space. Maybe it's a black hole?????) they start talking to eachother, and Katara tells him about how she wish she could have made some better choices because she was missing her bf Aang. (that's when she's looking at her necklace and Jim is feeling sorry for her) then you see Aang ...